Comparing the imaging capabilities of the Kompsat-3 and the Kompsat-3A satellites

October 21, 2021

Comparing the imaging capabilities of the Kompsat-3 and the Kompsat-3A satellites

When it comes to satellite imaging, the Kompsat-3 and Kompsat-3A satellites are frequently compared. These satellites are well-known for their superb imaging capabilities and features, which allow them to capture high-quality images of the Earth's surface. In this blog post, we will compare these two impressive satellites and help you understand their differences.

Overview of the Satellites

Before we dive into the comparison, let's briefly review each satellite's primary features:


  • Launched in 2012
  • Captures panchromatic images (resolution of 70cm) and multispectral images (resolution of 2.8m to 5.0m)
  • Can capture 14,000 square kilometers per day


  • Launched in 2015
  • Captures panchromatic images (resolution of 50cm) and multispectral images (resolution of 2.0m to 5.0m)
  • Can capture 20,000 square kilometers per day


As you can see, the Kompsat-3A boasts a slight advantage over the Kompsat-3 in terms of resolution and daily coverage capacity. However, this does not mean that one satellite is inherently better than the other. The choice of which satellite to use will depend on the specific needs of the project.

For example, if a project requires higher resolution images, the Kompsat-3A would be the better option. If a larger area needs to be covered, the Kompsat-3 might be more optimal as it can capture images of vast areas per day.


The Kompsat-3 and Kompsat-3A are both excellent satellites that provide high-quality images of the Earth. As with any technology, the specific use case should determine which satellite to choose. We hope that this comparison has provided you with the information you need to make an informed decision regarding satellite imaging.


[1] "Kompsat-3," Satellites, n.d.,

[2] "Kompsat-3A," Satellites, n.d.,

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